10 June 2018

Armageddon is here

So when we first moved in, I misidentified a pair of carrion crows that frequently visit the back garden as ravens. Apparently ravens are much bigger. Anyway, in my ignorance, I named them Armageddon and Apocalypse. I realise that it may not be the same two crows I'm seeing. But I have never seen more than two at a time, so I am going with that they are the same pair, for now. Anyway, I tried renaming them Perdition and Purgatory, but the names are just not sticking. Ah well. So this morning, I opened my curtains... it was Armageddon out there... in the back garden.

Photo Credit
Me (surprisingly enough, in early spring)

03 June 2018

London planetree

Our road is lined with London planetrees. The wide trunks form two rows of columns along the roadside, adding a certain gravity to the neighbourhood. They were pollarded earlier in the year. The leaves are now just starting to come in. The little grouping of green at the tip of each branch reminds me of children's drawings of trees.

Photo Credit:
Pollarded London planetree: Me
The Children's Tree: YouTube animation