17 February 2013

Right up there with...Is your refrigerator running?

Ever since I found out that this was a possibility, I have been hoping one day to make this announcement… and now my hope is realised.  Dr. My Beloved Wife is about to start her research fellowship.  So it's with great pleasure and pride that I can announce: I'm married to a Fellow!

Photo Credit: CHEEZburger

02 February 2013

Toad in the Hole

We had our first Toad in the Hole last week.  Apparently, it began life as a leftovers meal.  According to Wikipedia, you would stick in chunks of leftover meat from a previous meal that was not enough on its own for a full serving into Yorkshire Pudding batter.  But now the chunks of leftover meat have become sausages.  A Yorkshire Pudding, you say?  I wish I knew what a Yorkshire Pudding was: I mean I can describe it.  It is a piece of pastry that looks like the bottom of a pie crust but with no filling in it.  It is served with roasts. Mostly, I think their purpose is to sit on the plate mocking me.  Am I supposed to load it up with stuff?  Do cut it and dip it?  The term 'pudding' suggests maybe I save it for last?  How am I supposed to eat this thing?  Maybe I am not supposed to eat it at all, and it's just a game of 'one of these things is not like the other'.  I just get the feeling that all the English are laughing at me inside when I eat it.

Photo Credit: (Mostly) Yummy Mummy