25 April 2010

No Pictures Please

Last Tuesday (20 April 2010) night I had a bit of a beard trimming fiasco. I pulled out my trimmer stuff as usual and decided that I needed to oil the blades so I removed the guard and oiled them. I cleaned off the oil and any residual hair went back to the mirror and took a pass. A whole bunch of hair came off. As I watched the clump hit the floor, I was thinking that it was a bit more than usual. It must have been a while since… oh no, I forgot to put the guard back on! So I look up at the mirror and there is this blank spot where I had made a single pass with the trimmer. Hmmm, I don’t want to shave it off and start over. So I decide to just do a swipe on the other side to see if I can make it match. That was relatively successful. When my beloved gets home, the look says it all. No good. But I decide to stick with it anyway. I go into work the next day and no one says anything. Now I am intrigued. This is a challenge now because I have several coworkers and client who like to take the mick out of me (give me a hard time). How long will it take before someone says anything? And can I make it until it grow with no one saying anything? Thursday, again, nothing. Finally, Friday at around 2, I am in the engineering workshop and the engineer says something. I made it half way. It was bad, but not as bad as any of these.

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