24 October 2010

It has come to my attention by way of my blog follower that the recent change in blog content may be indicative of a change in medication. Alas, I am still under the influence of the usual foreign substances. Although I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed, which lead to the perception that I had been neglecting the blog. So I decided I needed to post something quickly. Upon review, I can see that my blogging frequency is within my typical range. Therefore my fear that I was drifting from my habit of writing was unfounded. It seems that there are reasons for writing a blog other than entertaining my single follower or staying in the habit of writing. In my desperation to find a subject to write about when none of the usual fare was to hand, I clenched onto events within the mundaneness of my daily existence. It turns out that things like bicycle locks, cycling ahead of rain showers, and daily aches from my previously limber muscles occupy much more of my thoughts than the major events I usually blog about. I can see now that the blog also serves as a snapshot of my personal history. It may remind me at a later time of where I was applying my energy. So I am at a blogging crossroad, which is fortunate for me because I love the word 'crossroad'. Mmmm, crossroad. But it may be unfortunate for my reader. Perhaps this blogging crossroad is implies something deeper... or is it a cigar that's just a cigar?

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