24 August 2009

Recent Challenges

When you choose to live in a kingdom far away, you never know where the next challenge will come from. Having become accustomed to high-speed Internet at Patchwork John’s (by the way, a tenant who still lives there reported that the hot water was out again & I bet the smoke alarm is going off as I write this), this period’s challenge is called: Life without Internet. Considering that mankind existed for 200,000 years without Internet, how hard can that be? Well, for this spoiled whinging (whining) American: very. Now that I realise that this is simply a challenge set in front of me to overcome, I have formulated a plan. Step 1: Blogging with Internet. So this is it. I am blogging on a serviette (napkin) in a train carriage. By the way, if you are living in greater London area and you happen to have a Virgin router taking up space amongst your possessions, I would be happy to vacate that space for you & sacrifice Step 2 of my challenge. The passenger who just arrived seems to be intrigued by the possibilities of serviette blogging judging by the frequent glances onto my napkin… No way fellah, you have to wait until its posted like everyone else!… Anyway… there isn’t room on a serviette to tell the magical tale of interwoven bureaucracies and lack of customer service that have led to my lack of Internet. Let’s just say our router is in with the rest of it.
So lots has happened in August so far. We’ve moved. My favourite feature of the new place is the bath (tub). The place is in a great neighbourhood, which is sort of like Downcity Providence. It had gone through a real decline & artists built lofts in abandoned buildings, which made it hip. Now the landlords are quickly capitalising on that hipness by booting the artists who saved their assets out and converted their lofts in flats. And I am here to reward this despicable behaviour by giving them money. Like Downcity, the more commercially viable artists are still hanging on and the area still has an interesting mix despite my presence.
The other bit of August news is that on the 10th the magazine, OT Practice published my article entitled, ‘My Branding Epiphany’. If you belong to the AOTA, you can read the article on line. Otherwise, you can contact me and I will be happy to post (mail) you one of my copies (I only ordered a gross).

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