10 November 2012

walks like a squirrel

I seem to be having repeat encounters with squirrels in Vauxhall, Putney, and Surbiton that go something like this.  I am walking somewhere at my normal speed and I see a squirrel up ahead digging in the earth.  First he digs in one spot and then another, kind of flitting about.  He is very busy.  I continue walking along  normally, but I am getting closer because my path is taking me towards the squirrel.  The squirrel carries on.  I get closer still.  He is still busy digging.   Finally, I am right up next to him, and he suddenly looks up.  Then with a convulsive jerk that looks like a heart attack, the squirrel bolts off in some direction at full speed for a tenth of a second, stops, his head shoots straight upward, he looks at me, convulses again, picks a new direction, bolts for a tenth of a second, shoots head upward, repeat.  And I am not talking about a few random occurrences.  This happened every time I saw one for a two week run.  They must hear me coming... so the only possible explanation is I must walk like an English squirrel.  (That squirrel in the photo is Canadian.)

Photo Credit : Telegraph

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